Creative Wisdom

Growing capability & consciousness for people in progress

We facilitate enlivening experiences for leaders, teams and groups to help them learn, grow and make progress.

Projects are fashioned to specific needs in face-to-face and virtual settings using coaching, 360 feedback, arts-based learning and self-organisation methods.

Our Services


Whilst leadership isn’t a one-size-fits-all, there are tried and tested levers for effectiveness, and these can be learned. And, there are a range of common habits that can get in the road of success.

We help leaders and leadership teams grow in self-awareness, shape a meaningful direction for the organisation and achieve results with and through others.

Elements of development programs can include:

  • Leadership Circle 360° assessment as a tool for insight and a framework for action.
  • The principles and practice of courageous conversation.
  • Working with ideals, realities and cultures that leaders shape (and are shaped by).
  • Stakeholder relationship; perspective taking, influencing and collaborating.
  • Coaching for action in the direction of vision and strategy.
  • Resilience, wellness and emotional intelligence practices.

Winning Culture

Culture can be described as ‘the way we do things around here.’ The hazard with driving culture change is over indexing on the ‘we.’ People only unify to the extent they have been able to differentiate. Leaders develop winning cultures by:

  • Inspiring and supporting team members to clarify and shape a meaningful, individual life.
  • Embodying leader-led values and inviting others to realise the value of the values.
  • Engaging people at the intersection between individual and organisational vision and values.

We help leaders develop and sustain a winning culture through reflection, conversation and collaboration in service of vision.


For individuals, groups and teams. Coaching is a development process over 3 to 12 months to help people:

  • Set direction, founded on a compelling vision.
  • Mobilise into action in the direction of that vision.
  • Influence, respond to, and be of service to, the wider system around them.
  • Develop ways of being that help achieve the vision (and enjoy the journey along the way).
  • Recognise habits that constrain the vision (and create suffering along the way).
  • Develop a healthy state of mind, body, emotion and spirit.
  • Through all this, shape a meaningful and productive work-life.

Real Conversation

When people come together to meet there is often a great deal at stake; commercially, politically, emotionally & culturally. Group conversation can produce remarkable results by bringing diverse views into dialogue. Yet conflicting values & priorities, and age-old human flaws, can make things tricky. We know how to set up the conditions for quality conversation, from 1-to-1 right through to groups of hundreds. Our touchstone methods activate people’s:

  • Innate passion.
  • Desire to care, connect, resolve and create together.
  • Discovery of opportunity within conflict.
  • Ability to self-organise and create pathways forward together.

Art in Change

Change initiatives are often built on, and delivered from, the rational mind. But change is enabled or thwarted by stronger forces of emotion and embedded belief. These are places that the Arts can reach and speak to.

Imagine a ‘Forum Theatre’ case study, researched & developed by professional scriptwriters and actors:

  • Entertaining people whilst building understanding of complex and contentious issues.
  • Provoking dialogue between diverse stakeholders represented in the drama on stage.
  • Sparking ideas about what matters and what to do next.

Imagine a custom-made song that, with humour and heart, sheds light on the experiences of people in their context, and invites authentic sharing and learning together.

Imagine a group game that is challenging, enjoyable and provides razor sharp clarity into human behaviour. (Our game-based learning combines rich traditions of ensemble theatre training with reflective practice to spark insights and lift team effectiveness.)

Contact us to imagine with us how arts based development can help your change journey.

  • ”Brett was the facilitator and trainer of a year-long internal Innovation Program that I was selected for… I was a skeptic on the first day but I now possess the growth-mindset that he instilled from day one. I equate his teaching method to how I taught my son to ride a two wheeler. By course end it was me doing it. Progress over perfection.” Christopher Southern Senior Risk Engineer
  • "Loved the use of live role-play vignettes... captivating and a great learning platform." Mark Henderson CFO, Zurich Australia
  • "I have not seen anything that would rival the engagement of such a large and diverse group of leaders for that period of time. In regards to the results - I would say [4 months post event] we are about 50% completed with some projects getting off the ground faster than others." Nicholas Renshaw Executive Team, Eli Lilly Australia Pty Limited
  • "I have asked Brett to project manage, script and enact some complex and controversial leadership development Forum Theatre scenarios, and in each area he has not only far exceeded what was required, he has made a genuine intellectual and personal contribution to the projects. Brett is a rigorous project manager, an insightful, intelligent and humorous script writer, and as an actor is able to bring a depth of reflective thought and gut feel ability to capture key issues that is remarkable. I thoroughly recommend him as an intellectual colleague, performer and project partner." Richard Badham Professor of Management at the Macquarie Graduate School of Management
  • Brett's 'Creative State’ workshop was flat out brilliant! Brett's magic was his ability to make me feel comfortable enough to simply let go and open myself up to this new experience and fully engage in it. The workshop was very cleverly run, with a poignant message at the end that beautifully tied a bow around the entire active meditation. It was a unique experience for me and I was so impressed with what I had experienced. Soulla Chamberlain Creator and Director of Star Anise Organic Wholefoods
  • Brett is one of my most influential teachers... He has been a powerful influence on my work including the arts disability program Unlock Your Creativity and the arts and community cultural development programs I develop in disadvantaged communities. ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Dr. Cali Prince Academic Educator, Western Sydney University
  • Brett is a mercurial being. His ability to facilitate, encourage, entice and call forth one's fullest creative capacity is his alchemy. From a corporate setting right through to a vocational actor's training ground, Brett has the skills, the insight and the generosity to enable phenomenal results and outcomes for all those he intersects with. For 20 years plus I have worked with and worked beside this man. There are very few people in my professional world I could call upon or attest to as I do Brett Wood.‬ Dean Carey Author/teacher/trainer

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